For AirPrint to work you must first ensure you've got iTunes 10.1 installed. The printer must also be shared on your local network and your iOS device must have joined the same wifi network.
1). Download the AirPrint installer here.
2). Once it has finished downloading right click on the AirPrint.exe file and run as administrator.
3). Follow the prompts to install it.
4). Once it has installed you may see a firewall warning appear, make sure that you allow the AirPrint service through access to your network.
That's it. You should now be able to print from your iOS device. If it asks for a user name and password just type in the details of your windows account.
Thanks to Jaxov for this.
If you have an iPhone 3g then you can get AirPrint by enabling multitasking. Tutorial here.
Very good blog. I use to have my own tech blog but I moved on. I almost regret leaving it. Anyway, I hope this workds out well for you. :D
Thanks very much, I hope Peoplepedia is a success!