Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Soon you will be able to downgrade iPhone Baseband

MuscleNerd has recently announced on Twitter, in addition to the recent developments, that you will soon be able to downgrade basebands. This is primarily for people who have upgraded to the 06.15.00 (iPad) baseband and want to restore to stock firmware. It may also enable accidental baseband updates to be undone so people stuck on basebands not supported by ultrasn0w can downgrade.

How to enable/fix multitasking in 4.2.1

Since updating to 4.2.1 you may have found that enabling multitasking in redsn0w seems to work at first but has problems. Whenever you try to switch between apps using the multitasking bar springboard crashes. This is a problem on the iPhone 3g and the iPod Touch 2g (the only devices you would enable multitasking on).

A solution to this problem has now been found although it is not perfect:

iOS 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak coming this year

iPhone hacker Comex has announced through Twitter that there will be an untethered jailbreak for 4.2.1 before Christmas. These were all the details he gave but as he has already created JailbreakMe and Spirit jailbreaks he is a trusted source.

In addition MuscleNerd, of the iPhone Dev Team, has announced that he has a backup way to untether the 4.2.1 jailbreak. He proves this in the video here:

iPad 2 released by Feburary 2011

The iPad 2 will beginning shipping by the end of February next year, less than 100 days away. It's testing period has apparently been extended, possibly due to the antenna problems of the iPhone 4 and possibly due to firmware problems.

There has been much speculation over the hardware features of the new iPad but it is almost certain to have a front-facing FaceTime camera (and possibly a rear-facing one as well but this seems less likely), a gyroscope (like the iPhone 4), improved screen and battery life and a thinner lighter design.